Acquisition or disposal of business 2018-06-25T11:35:20+00:00

Buying or selling a business

For clients buying or selling a business, DIXIT CAUSA can assist at various stages of the transaction. We offer the following services:

A comprehensive analysis of your situation giving you a clear understanding of the consequences of your sale or purchase, whether this relates to the business as a whole or the acquisition of a holding in the share capital of a company

Monitoring negotiations over the key terms of the sale or purchase, for example: the extent of any asset and liability guarantees (cap, threshold, assessment, etc.), advisability and consequences of forming a holding company, main tax implications of the transaction, scope of conditions precedent in the sale agreement, etc.

An all-round service covering the documents required for the transaction: drafting the sale protocols, the business transfer agreement, updating the share transfer register, documents required to form a holding company (and related shareholder agreements) and dealing with all the legal formalities at the Commercial Court and the Authorities in general.