Setting up a business
To help you choose the most suitable corporate form for your new business, depending on your particular situation and objectives, DIXIT CAUSA can assist at various stages of the transaction. We offer the following services:
A tailored analysis of your situation and goals, particularly with regard to the relationship between the various founding partners and with regard to your own financial aims
Advice on the key features chosen to govern your business which we will work with you to define (such as corporate form, amount of capital and whether or not this will be fully paid-up from the start, choice of majority voting rules, any restrictions on the assignment of shares, division of share capital, boards of directors, their nomination and removal, whether a partnership agreement is required, etc.)
An all-round service covering the actual constitution of the company (e.g. drafting all the legal documents required to set up the company and dealing with all the necessary formalities, filing trademarks at the French National Industrial Property Institute or EUIPO)
Assistance throughout the life of your company including advice on potential restructuring, keeping the registers of annual general meetings and/or share movements, drafting all necessary corporate law documents (e.g. approval of accounts