Actuality 2023-10-20T22:50:22+00:00

DIXIT CAUSA provides regular reviews of technical legal and tax matters through:

– regular updates on legal developments, regulatory changes and case-law trends (subscribe)
– speaking at and hosting conferences and round tables on technical subjects or topics of current interest, often as part of the CINDEX network
– intervention at the University of Paris-Dauphine (Executive Masters in Law and International Heritage Management)

Alertes d’actualités


New Tax Calendar

The Government announced the following tax calendar to file French personal tax returns in 2020 (2019 income):

Online filing:

Open as from April 20, the deadline to submit the tax return are as follows :

  • départements 01 à 19 and non residents: June 4 (23h59)
  • départements 20 à 54: June 8 (23h59)
  • départements 55 à 976: June 11 (23h59)

Paper filing:

Paper forms will be sent between April 20 and mid-May (only for those who filed paper last year). The deadline for the paper filing is June 12 (23h59).